Friday, September 17, 2010

My usb knotty drive is heat up my notebook and how do i fix this?

i get an external usb 2.0 enclosure(250 gb). when i turn it on, few mins later my notebook starts to beep and warmth raises similar to 10 C. whats not normal is, im not doing anything, no database transfer, no encoding no nought!, when i check the task head, it reads 3-5 % cpu usage. how do i fix this? also my motherboard is a msi nforce2 k7n2g on winXP sp2. More details, its not the admirer, since it only happen when the usb device is turned on, and no its not the BIOs warning temp, incentive i set it at maximum so it only beep when it reaches maximum temp. which is true inflict im using motherboard monitor(its a temperature software.)

My usb knotty drive is heat up my notebook and how do i fix this?

The concrete drive is drawing too much current for your USB port. You will need to acquire a USB hub that has it's own plug within power supply to support the hard drive.

The answers post by the user, for information lone, does not guarantee the right.

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