Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Pic programming problem?

I can't integer this out. I am using a Pic 16F627A chip. PORTB is connected to 8 leds in series next to a 120ohm resistor. The red end of my 3 v power supply is hooked to pin 14, the black terminate to pin 5. The short end of the leds are connected to pin 5.

My code is posted here: http://forum.microchip.com/tm.aspx?m=270...

It does absolutly zilch. Please help me!

PS according to the MPSIM software, this works correctly, it loops around and should output stuff within the leds.

Pic programming problem?

Got a multimeter? Touch EACH of the leads and trade name sure there's voltage to everything there's supposed to be.

Disconnect the PORTB from LEDs and just examination it with multimeter when you run the code, and see if the voltage move about up and down.

it also depends on which LEDs you got. Maybe you get some that need too much current or voltage?

(Not a PIC programmer, but I *do* enjoy a EE/CS/CE degree)

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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