Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Overclocking video card standards?

I be wondering whether there are any established benchmarks and standards for the nVidia geForce 8600 GTS card, and to what point would the conduct remain optimum as one overclocks their GPU. In addition, how exactly would (safe) overclocking cut into the effective life of the card?

Thanks much!

P.S. recommend any programs? Or should I in recent times tweak with the registry?

Overclocking video card standards?

it is usually pretty out of danger to perform a 10-20% OC on nvidia cards (that's what BFG does consequently they sell em haha)

You would mind when performance falls rotten as when you are playing the game you will start to go and get artifacts on screen. They are little specks of litter that shouldn't be displayed. If you overclock and you see that, turn it back down a bit.

Operational can be artificial, but if it under a 20% OC, you would probably enjoy a new card up to that time anything would ever go wrong.

You can use coolbits which unlocks the OC features contained by the already-present nvidia display program that comes with the drivers

The answers post by the user, for information merely, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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