Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Overclocking and adding up unusual memory?

I bought a different memory module, an 512 mb Kingston. I already have two ones. the second one is a no mark 512, the third is the same as the first (512mb kingston). My motherboard is MSI- KT4V, three memory slots available. My processor is amd 1800, but i down clocked it give or take a few one year, before it be a 2400, working on 2000 MHz. In the first slot is an 512 kingston, the same one within the second, and the no name 512 surrounded by the third. Did I do it right and how can I overclock amd again to work on 200 MHz?

Overclocking and adding up unusual memory?

Having a bit of trouble understanding the give somebody the third degree. Seems that you added memory, you now enjoy 3 sticks of 512meg on the system. That seems fine, the board supports 3 see so you can add more contained by the future, but you enjoy all slots jam-packed so you will need to replace a stick or two.

You use to hold the processor, AMD 1800 over clocked to 2400, which seemed a bit aggressive. Overclocking is not for everyone, you requirement to be very painstaking that you know exactly what you are doing or you will damage your components. If you haven't any situation in overclocking or enjoy a limited fluency of system configurations, I would not overclock that system. You would be better served adding a newer, faster processor to gain more speed. Your motherboard will support up to a 2600+.

I would suggest that as an remedy first.


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