Friday, September 17, 2010

Need to repair my Hard Drive, why is it so expensive?

The arm on my strong drive is not working as it should be and I'm looking at spending lb800 to seize it repaired. Why is it so expensive and is there a bearing to reduce the cost?

Need to repair my Hard Drive, why is it so expensive?

It's so expensive because it requests to be done in a scientifically verbs enviroment, as even a single spec of dist can kill a drive.

If the drive read at all, try to simply install it as a slave to get hold of your data bad.

Also it's not the repair they charge for really, they will charge lots for the data reclamation and sell you a new disc.

It is expensive, but if you have backups it woulnd't be an issue, you could reinstall from them

The answers post by the user, for information with the sole purpose, does not guarantee the right.

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