Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Performance aid next to SLI?

I own an A8N-SLI motherboard and 2 7600 GS with 256MB of memory respectively, 1 gig of strike, and SLI mode is enabled. Heres what happens- I begin playing a hobby (such as GTA: San Andreas), and it works good at first. Then, as time go on, the game drastically speeds up for some defence. On another game- splinter cell: double agent- something is terribly wrong. Sam fisher is invisible and so is everything except the skybox... i don't even know. The computer works fine when not running those games that require see.

Here is some information on my GFX cards:


Please help!

Performance aid next to SLI?

you wouldnt own overclocked the card would you? also heat might be your issue those SLI engender a lot of boil and if you have a hole bunch of pci cards below them and hard drive cable around them they could over boil easy. bring back round hard drive cable, it makes the upper air in the bag move easer. fet a better gpu fan/ case hanger-on. if all else fail (that is if it is a heat issue) catch a bigger case beside more fans/ liquid cool it. hope this help (also try uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers for your gpu)

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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