Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Removal firm disk tattered and burned and adjectives my notes accumulate on it, How I can restore your health my background?

My Removal firm disk tattered and burned and adjectives my notes accumulate on it, How I can restore your health my background?

You've singular got one alternative: take it to a notes recovery professional. There's no do it yourself when your drive destabilized like that. Try CBL, I've have good luck beside them.

Also don't even think in the order of opening the drive yourself. Once those platters are exposed, even dust or fingerprints are plenty to damage the sensitive surface.
Take it to a professional repossession specialist.

It is expensive though!
where ar you?
try to replace motherboard of burning Hard drive .
This can be difficult and risky and pricy and not 100% works.

1. Buy a same model not easy disk.

2. Change the platter from the old one to your clean one. (Remove anything that blocks it from removing).

3. screw back everything that you removed.

4. Finished, your concrete disk maybe working again!

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